Newsletter March 2014


In the previous column I have mentioned that it is important that the pigeons have a good defense, to retain good results in the pigeon sport. As I expected, this kind of article evokes a number of ‘Yes-but’ questions and propositions. As a precaution I had already made it clear that I am not against the use of antibiotics when necessary and that I am glad that there are still some good working products. Except we have to make sure that we keep it that way. The government aims for several reasons for limiting the use of antibacterial products. That is a fact that everyone has to deal with. Eventually also the pigeon breeders. But regardless of what the government claims it is good to think about the responsible use of these medicine.

We must all face the risk of excessive resistance to antibiotics. Responsible use of antibiotics begins with a proper observance of the instructions. Therefore when we have to use medicine we have to use it long enough that the strongest bacteria also get killed. It is also important that the dose of the medicine that we use is sufficiently high enough. I continue to believe that drinking water cures while the 'R' in the month is actually out of the question. After all the pigeons do not drink enough. We can see that by infections like cancer, but also the microbes from the previous years have shown that too short cures and cures applied in the drinking water are not solved after the prescribed cures.

The use of antibiotics on the feed works much better, but of course individual application works even better. Especially when the number of birds to be treated is minimal than this way of treating is preferred. The 'yes, but' questioners haven’t really read the column. I notice it more often that when one does not agree with a statement, they are closed to the option that is being discussed. People don’t even want to read what is written. Remarks that ".... only antibiotics work and everything else is nonsense" are often called.
From this point I imagine that it concerns people, as the fellow member of a pigeon breeder wrote me last month:

“…. By “this”I mean taht it is a fact that pigeons simply Carry bacteria with them, and that the “cleanup”of pigeons is a illusion. I spoke to an experienced enthusiast who blandly told me: "I gave them doxycycline for respiratory, then para-stop and finally gave them Bayril for 14 days. .... Now they are clean and they can go for it again"

You may know that I get sick from something like this….! We speak of a pigeon breeder with whom I am sharing a basket, and the last year I think his doves are free flowing and feel like a hard brush.

This pigeon breeder pointed out a serious problem with this. Because above written “curing” is not curing anymore. You might even call this abuse of medication. Maybe that this pigeon breeder still has the idea that he is doing well. But unfortunately, he is not. This breeder doesn’t even know if he has problems, where he could “cure” for. So many antibiotics following up each other. So many antibiotics following up each other is not good for the balance of the intestines. Useless. The problems that acure from this are even bigger. The quoted pigeon breeder would probably want to solve this with even a higher dose of antibiotics. The liver of the pigeons gets so many hits, that the chance is big that they don’t get in shape. The bin will probably be the next step. And when this pigeon breeder bought these pigeons, he probably would be in the opinion that the seller sold him rubbish. That he is the main culprit did probably not even occur to him. Fortunately, this way of doing things is no rule (anymore). More and more enthusiasts realize that this is not the right way and cures only when the birds were examined. If it is found to be necessary already.

Next to the ‘yes, but’ writers I also got many mails from pigeon breeders who realize that is important to use medicine wisely. These responses were in majority. But breeders as mentioned above, can deliver you, as a abiding breeder, a gang of drug-resistant germs. The irresponsibility of these people ruining it for the benevolent enthusiasts. At one of the fairs I spoke to a colleague who thought that the resistance wasn’t that bad. I know he is doing little research because he finds this nonsense. Such an argument comes at me as if you are after a nuclear disaster like Chernobyl or Fukushima for instance and is running, shouting that there is nothing to worry about, because you do not see the radiation if you do not measure. Moreover, I also believe that the issue of resistance should not be a exaggeration. But that still does not mean that we should wait before we take action to curb the resistance till when it is too late.

I recently read a report that a patient in a hospital was deceased at cystitis (!) Because there were no more effective antibiotics. Now you might think that will not happen to me, but imagine that it happens to one of your loved ones. I don’t want to be the wise guy who is pointing with his finger, but responsibility begins right with any pigeon breeder himself. The design of the previous column was to show that we can practice the sport without stuffing the pigeons with antibiotics. But then one must be willing to work on strengthening their own immune system of the pigeons. The use of medicine can then be limited to those times in which the use is necessary. It takes time, but practice shows that it is possible. There are plenty of pigeon breeders who have followed this path and proved that it is possible.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about preparing for the season. I assume that we have taken serious lessons from the previous column and have worked to build up a good resistance. Although this is a way that takes a longer time, and one day it will even show other short-term results for the pigeons. If all goes well, the pigeons will not show any or minimal symptoms. As previously mentioned, pigeons carry one infections during the wintertime. This infections only going to give problems when stressors such as flights and carryon baskets get in the picture. A check up before the season is definitely recommended to check for hidden infections that could be present. In addition, it is also wise to look for the presence of Coccidiosis, Trimomoniasis and Worms.

To start the season with these home, garden and kitchen illnesses is not natural for this time a day. The best time for controls is several weeks before the first flight, when there are infections present you can still do a targeted intervention. Also if mucus is present it also still can be removed. Pigeons at the start of the season that have latent infections will get problems after 2-3 weeks and will fall behind on the rest. This will lead to frustrations and will be a motive for many pigeons breeders to give a short cure. This short cure are not getting my blessing. At that time the pigeons often have an serious problem which needs to be addressed properly. The argument that one cannot play and that the problems is gone, or almost gone with the short cure is often the answer that you get. This is just another ostrich approach. Indeed, the stronger bacteria will not be addressed adequately by the short cure and know to recover. And will come back in large numbers.

“Yes, but the pigeons recovers?, is what one often sais. Yes, the infection is indeed pushed down because the number of bacteria is reduced. But the stronger ones are left and lurking to take their chance again. But next time they will even care less about any medicine. If this is repeated often enough, the risk of resistance lies in a small corner. In the clinic I often see the ones who work like this are the ones who shout the loudest. They say that even stronger medicine need to be prescribed, or that colleague veterinarians sell stuff that doesn’t even work. People do yourself and your birds a favor: Go wise with medication. It is not candy. When the pigeons can race well there are plenty of well-functioning, supportive, dietary supplements that contribute to the shape of the pigeons. It is really ridiculous that many people believe that antibiotics before flights must be in order to guarantee performance. It’s turning the cause and the effect. It is known that pigeons are careering of all kinds of bacteria and washing them away at the last moment by giving them a boost is the idea behind it. Fortunately by using our own supplements we could see that it was not necessary to work routinely. The starting point from that is that the pigeon are clean at the start of the season. The performance required of the pigeons ask a lot of pigeons.

If the supplies, to perform like that fail, the pigeons will have to use their reserves. Nutrients that are used differently than enough to keep strategic height can deployed the immune system. The immune system can become unstable and can make the birds more vulnerable to latent infections that are always present in the pigeon. At those moments, it is important to cope with supporting preparations so as to fill the accumulated deficits and don’t make the use of medicine a must during the season. Only when it is really necessary. Prevention is better than to cure.

I’m happy to see that the number of fans increases who by following the appropriate sport medical approach limiting the use of medicine, to continue participating. (I see as sport medical approach; taking good care of the pigeons together with regular monitoring of diseases, rather than needlessly blind curing.) By not using antibiotics for every small symptom, the pigeon breeder can select even better. The weaker ones drop off sooner. This way, one can build a better strain of pigeons. Selection is and remains the best medicine would one get a good stock of pigeons. By overuse of antibiotics by (young) birds on the one hand, the intestines, the first port of the resistance, weakens the good pigeons, but then the weaker ones are supported so that they can stay alive. For them to be top athletes is rare.

The net result is that one weekends his whole tripe of pigeons. And that makes that one puts his/her ear to listen by a befriended pigeon breeder, because he heard about a good medicine that…. Nonsens. Increasing base resistance. That is where you have to work towards. Selection and even more selection. That is the way to go. Not the medicine jar. And in the case, that the pigeons are really sick, it is good there exist good medicine that can help. But one most not want to skip to selection, because the jar can solve the problem.

Good Luck!
Peter Boskamp