Canker Capsules

This medicine is for export only

Indications: It is used to fight Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis.

Utilization: Give 1 capsule per pigeon per day. In case of severe infections administrate during 2-3 days.

During the use of antibacterial medicines that are quite heavy on the intestinal flora, we advise the use of Probiotics (for example the Bony Probiotics) during the whole cure and a few weeks after the end of the cure.
This stimulates the intestinal flora. Probiotics can be combined with Bony SGR.

Undesired effects: Less drinking, neurotoxicity, growth inhibition, weight loss, disturbed spermatogenesis and watery feces.


  • Do not use for pigeons who will be consumed.
  • Do not use with other antibacterial or anti parasitic medicines.
  • Imidazole compounds have been described as being mutagenic.
  • Imidazole compounds are toxic when used a long time.
  • There are possibly negative effects on the fertility of the pigeons and the young pigeons treated with this medicament.

Available in quantities of 50 and 100 capsules.

Remarque: read the general remarks about magistral medicines.

Keep dry and at room temperature.
Keep away from children.

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Did you know....

That vaccination against Paratyphus only makes sense when there is a decent plan of approach? This means performing vaccinations minimally 2 times a year. The first time preferably 2 times with 3 weeks in between.